About EO
Essential oils are volatile liquids that are distilled from various parts of plants. Essential oils have a chemical structure that is similar to that found in human cells. This makes essential oils compatible with human protein and enables them to be readily identified and accepted by the body. Essential oils have a unique ability to penetrate cell membranes and diffuse throughout the blood and tissues. When applied topically or to the feet essential oils have the ability to travel throughout the body within minutes. All living plants have a powerful life force coursing through them. While extracting the essential oils from these plants we are preserving that life force energy to be used therapeutically. With antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and many other properties these oils can assist you in your quest for well being of mind, body and spirit.
Each oil has an intended purpose in our blends as follows:
Divine Guide
Sandalwood- assists meditation, assists your crown chakra in remembering your connection to divine
Frankincense- increases spiritual awareness, promotes meditation and connecting to universal energy
Blue Tansy- calms the nerves and enhances meditation
Tangerine- promotes happiness
Myrrh- increases spiritual awareness, clears stuck emotions and gives you wings
Rosewood- assists synergy, calming and balancing
Spruce- enhances spiritual awareness
Cedarwood- removes emotional blocks, purifies and clears your space
Lion Heart
Frankincense- uplifts spirits and strengthens immune system
Spruce- promotes balance and grounding
Blue Tansy- anti-inflammatory and calms nerves
Rosewood- balances your hearts desires with your physical desires, assists synergy and balancing
Sweet Orange- calming, antidepressant, instills generosity, joy and happiness
Cinnamon- lifts your spirit, attracts prosperity and abundance
Spruce- helps open and release emotional blocks
Clove- relaxing, promotes an optimistic view and assists in healing from bereavement
Cedarwood- stimulates the limbic part of the brain, purifies your space
White Fir- stimulating to the mind and relaxing to the body
Citronella- sanitizes surfaces, anti-bacterial and insect repellant
Lavandin- energetic purifier, sterilizer and anti-septic
Rosemary- anti-fungal and anti-bacterial
Melaleuca- cleansing and purifying
Lemon- relieves tension, immune booster, disinfectant, & antiseptic
Lemongrass- antimicrobial, antibacterial, insecticidal, anti-fungal
Sweet Orange- antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, boosts immunity, insecticide
Blue Tansy- calming to the nerves, clears stuck emotions and promotes living in the moment
Tangerine- relieves anxiety and promotes happiness
Sweet Orange- calming, attracts good fortune, instills generosity, joy and happiness
Patchouli- assists in individual clarity, grounding, relaxing and sedating
Ylang-ylang- promotes joy and peace, helps alleviate over excited negative emotions
Clove- purifies your physical space, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-septic
Cinnamon- viruses cannot live in the presence of cinnamon, lifts your physical and spiritual energy
Lemon- assists immune function, revitalizes energy
Eucalyptus- cleanses and purifies the air, anti-infectious, anti-bacterial and anti-viral
Rosemary- anti-microbial
White Light
Spruce- promotes prosperity, protecting, respiratory support
White Fir- grounding, renews your conscious awareness, respiratory support
Cedarwood- balances nervous tension, clearing and enhances spirituality, strengthening
Ylang-Ylang- balances negative frequencies and dispels anger
Angelica- Highly grounding, soothing and calming
Rosewood- balancing & calming
Helichrysum- gives inner strength
Melissa- calming and balancing to emotions, stimulates the immune system and promotes joy
Helichrysum- dispels feelings of anger, activates right brain, promotes compassion
Cedarwood- calming and relieves nervous tension
Angelica- soothing, calming, highly grounding and used as a blood purifier
Neroli- emotional stabilizer, treats depression and anxiety
Sandalwood- supports nerves and stimulates the limbic region of the brain (emotions)
Blue Tansy- calms the nerves, clears stuck emotions
Ylang-Ylang- calming, anti-depressant, relaxes anger and frustration
Sweet Orange- anti-depressant, calming and uplifting
German Chamomile- assists in clarity, promotes peaceful communication, dispels anger and stabilizes emotions
Frankincense- helps improve attitude and strengthens the immune system
Lavender- physically and emotionally calming, cleansing and balancing
Myrrh- supports immune system, anti-inflammatory, uplifting & heals infections
Phototoxic Oils
Certain essential oils are said to be phototoxic because they contain furanocoumarins. If applied directly to the skin followed by exposure to sunlight or a tanning light, the molecules of these oils amplify the untraviolet (UV) portion of the spectrum and can cause long-term, even permanent, skin discoloration as well as severe sunburn.
It is recommend to wait twelve hours following an application of phototoxic oils to the skin before exposure to sunlight or the UV radiation of a tanning booth.
Applying oils with furanocoumarins after sundown poses no problems then or the next day. One can go out into sunlight after applying phototoxic oils if the parts of the body receiving the oils are well covered with clothing.
Common essential Oils Considered Phototoxic are:
Angelica . . . . . . . . . . (Angelica archangelica)
Bergamot . . . . . . . . . (Citrus bergamia)
Bitter Orange . . . . . . (Citrus aurantium)
Grapefruit. . . . . . . . . (Citrus paradisi)
Lemon. . . . . . . . . . . . (Citrus limon)
Lime . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Citrus aurantifolia)
Rue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Ruta graveolens)
Although Wellness, White Light and Zachary contain such oils, they are not in a quantity that creates phototoxicity!